タイトル:Coordinate-ordering-free Upper Bounds for Linear Insertion-
Deletion Codes
著者名:Hao Chen
雑誌名:IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
Abstract:In this paper we prove several coordinate-ordering-free upper
bounds on the insdel distances of linear codes. Our bounds are stronger
than some previous known bounds. We apply these upper bounds to AGFC
codes from some cyclic codes and one algebraic-geometric code with any
rearrangement of coordinate positions. A strong upper bound on the
insdel distances of Reed-Muller codes with the special coordinate
ordering is also given.
タイトル:Explicit and Efficient Constructions of Linear Codes Against
Adversarial Insertions and Deletions
著者名:Roni Con; Amir Shpilka; Itzhak Tamo
雑誌名:IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
Abstract:In this work, we study linear error-correcting codes against
adversarial insertion-deletion (insdel) errors, a topic that has
recently gained a lot of attention. We construct linear codes over Fq,
for q = poly(1/ε), that can efficiently decode from a δ fraction of
insdel errors and have rate (1 - 4δ)=8-ε. We also show that by allowing
codes over Fq2 that are linear over Fq, we can improve the rate to (1 -
δ)/4 - ε while not sacrificing efficiency. Using this latter result, we
construct fully linear codes over F2 that can efficiently correct up to
δ < 1/54 fraction of deletions and have rate R = (1 - 54 · δ)/1216.
Cheng, Guruswami, Haeupler, and Li [4] constructed codes with (extremely
small) rates bounded away from zero that can correct up to a δ < 1/400
fraction of insdel errors. They also posed the problem of constructing
linear codes that get close to the half-Singleton bound (proved in [4])
over small fields. Thus, our results significantly improve their
construction and get much closer to the bound.