Japan-Singapore Informatics Exchange Workshop 2024

  National University of Singapore
  Room number will be announced later.

  23/09/2024 – 27/09/2024

Registration Fee: 

This workshop provides participants with research exchange opportunities through informatics. The introductory lectures will cover three topics: coding theory, cryptography, and quantum information/coding theory. The participant is expected to be graduate students or active undergraduates with an interest in mathematical informatics. The introductory lectures will include exercises related to the topics. Participants will be divided into several groups to try the exercises. Each group will consist of participants from both Japan and Singapore. Once each group has compiled their answers, they will be asked to present their solutions.

Advanced Talks will be offered on the last day. The main speakers will be researchers and they present their cutting-edge research. Each talk including Q&A will be about 30 minutes, and there will be about 5 talks.

A welcome party, lunch and excursions will also be offered as opportunities for international exchange. Through these events, more than 33 hours of international exchange opportunities will be provided.


   9:00-10:30  Introduction to Coding Theory
  10:30-12:00  Group Discussion for Exercise
  12:00-13:30  Lunch
  13:30-  Group Presentation of Answer to the Exercise
  18:00-20:00  Welcome Dinner

  9:00-10:30  Introduction to Cryptography
  10:30-12:00  Group Discussion for Exercise
  12:00-13:30  Lunch
  13:30-  Group Presentation of Answer to the Exercise

 9:00-12:30  Excursions

 9:00-10:30  Introduction to Quantum Information/Coding
  10:30-12:00  Group Discussion for Exercise
  12:00-13:30  Lunch
  13:30-  Group Presentation of Answer to the Exercise

 10:00-12:30  Advanced Talk on Informatics

Lecturers for Introductory Lectures:
On Coding Theory,   Van Khu Vu,  National University of Singapore
On Cryptography,   Kruglik Stanislav, Nanyang Technological University
On Quantum I/C Theory, Manabu Hagiwara, Chiba University

Advanced Talks:


Registration: To register, please send an email to jsiew2024@manau.jp
with the following information:
 -affiliation (e.g., Chiba University, NUS, NTU, etc.),
 -academic grade (e.g., B3, B4, M1, M2, D1, D2, D3, etc.)
  or occupation (e.g., professor, associate professor,
  postdoc, etc.),
 -major (e.g., mathematics, computational theory,
   coding theory, cryptography,
   quantum information theory, etc.)
 -presentation title if you prefer to give a 15+5 mins advanced talk on Friday

The deadline is 31st/August/2024.

These will be used for workshop management.


Manabu Hagiwara, Chiba University

Kiah Han Mao, Nanyang Technological University

Kruglik Stanislav, Nanyang Technological University

Van Khu Vu,  National University of Singapore

Contact Address:


Sponsor and Support

Sponsor: KAKENHI 23K21642

Non-sponsor Support: IEEE Information Theory Society Japan Chapter